Woo, ya se que ha pasado un buen desde la ultima vez que blogee, pero sigo viva, viviendo un dia a la vez y con Dios a mi lado, que mas puedo pedir? :)
I know it's been awhile since i posted last, but Im still alive, leaving one day at a time with God by my side! :)
Voy a tratar de describir las cosas mas sobresalientes que han pasado en mi vida, como el Senor me ha guido y SIEMPRE, siempre ha sido fiel
I will try to update you all with the higligths in my life, how the Lord has been good to me ALL THE TIME,
Mi ultimo post creo que fue en Nov-Dic,
Noviembre: Un viaje a Magdalena por dos semanas, (ultima de Nov. y primera de Dic) incluyendo unos dias de visita en la iglesia de Tecate. Pase un tiempo increible con los ninos de CVE, los hermanos y amigos del Norte :). El tiempo volo y pronto ya estaba de regreso en casa.
Diciembre: Llego tan rapido como se fue, celebramos la Navidad con la familia de Mama y otra vez, estaba tan agradecida de estar con ellos, es un tiempo especial para celebrar con gente especial :) !!!
Enero: Remodelar un poco la casa, pero mas que eso, en la ultima semana, la VISTA de los Troxel a Ixtlan. Rudy, Rosario y Nathan estuvieron en MX por tres semanas, que bendicion!!!, celebramos el Cumple de Nathan, el cumple de Clau e hicimos muchas cosas mas, incluyendo despedir a nuestra perrita Banana :(, or como dice Nathan, Banana bye bye :)
Febrero: Mi segunda visita a la Casa Hogar el Buen Pastor para seguir con las entrevistas. Pasar mas y mas tiempo con los Troxels, todo el posible :)! y finalmente, despedirlos :(
Marzo: Limpiar la casa, ( que despues de tener a Nathan de visita, ya no sabia ni donde estaban mis zapatos :) ), y derramar lagrimas por Nathan, la proxima vez que lo vea ya no sera el mismo :(.
Y la ultima de este mes: ( hasta la fecha) el 23 de Marzo fue mi primer dia en la Casa Hogar el Buen Pastor aqui en Morelia :).
Hasta ahorita, me gusta mucho estar aqui en Morelia, la razon? se que es donde el Senor me quiere y donde debo estar ahorita. Trabajar otra vez con ninos ha sido nuevamente algo bueno, aprendo mucho de ellos, Dios me ensena tanto, (sobre todo P A C I E N C I A) si, requiero mucha paciencia :), aunque aveces no la tengo.
Mi trabajo en la Casa?
Cuidar de 10 ninas (11 hasta ayer, hoy se me fue una :( ), me recuerda mucho mi tiempo en Magdalena en CVE cuidando 10 ninas tambien.
Mi compromiso con el Senor?
La iglesia. (para los que no saben de la iglesia or que existe una iglesia aqui) La iglesia aqui en Morelia necesita apoyo, necesita ayuda, y todavia seguimos en oracion al Senor por eso. El senor es bueno, y El nos contestara a Su tiempo.
Bueno, espero para la proxima no dejar tanto tiempo sin bloguear y prometo poner unas fotos de mi tiempo aqui.
Dios los bendiga!
*****Now I'm going to try en English :) *****
November: I took i trip to Magdalena to see the wonderful people there and the most special kids ever!!!, this included a short trip to Tecate, (a sister Church with very very special brothers and sisters there). Time went really fast and soon I was back at Home in Ixtlan .
December: (the first week I was in Magdalena) then I had to paint and remodelated a few things in my room. Then, got to spend Christmas with Moms side Fam. I was a really neat time that we spend together, very special.
January: Since Mom really like my painting style and my amazing painting skills she gave my a job, paint part of the House, :) yes I like painting, yes it was fun, but I was like ok, game over, I'm ready for for a brake :) so, time to rest :) and to go and pick up the Troxels at the Airport!!!! They spent three weeks in MX!
February: Second visit to La Casa Hogar El Buen Pastor for interviews. And of course, spend the most possible time with the Troxels. Then, sadly said our good byes :).
March: More painting, more MUCHO more cleaning. (After Nathan left I couldn't even find my shoes (ok, jk) ). And some tears, I wont see that little guy 'till Dec., and but that time, he wont be my little Nathan anymore :)
And the last one of this month, my transition to Morelia :). The 23st I left Ixtlan to start serving at El Buen Pastor here in Morelia (wich is 2, 3 for the most, hrs away from Ixtlan).
So far it's been going really good. I really like being here in Morelia. The reason? I know this is where God wants me now, this is where I been call. I really enjoy working with kids again. I know it's not always easy, it's a challenge, but Gos has been soo good to me and faithful.
Mi duties? Take care of ten girls :), this reminds me A LOT my time at CVE, taking care of ten girls also :)
The Church here in Morelia is a new, ( for those of you that don't know, there is a ACC here in Morelia) we are just a few, very few members. So it's been good to be here and encourage them and at the same time be encourage by them. It's hard sometimes to be here, in this city, not having your fam, or your church fam. around, but I as sad, above all this, It's been a really neat experience. It's been really good to get to know my brothers & sisters here in Morelia a little bit more.
So we are praying, Im praying for our church here in Morelia. We are praying for a couple or brothers & sisters, with a heart for missions, with a heart for Mx! And I know that God will provide, all in His perfect time.
Hope it wasn't to boring, and also I'm hoping to blog more often (if possible, not promise) with pics, *promise* :)
'till next time,
Dios los bendiga!