viernes, 27 de agosto de 2010

It's Been A Week Already since ...

School started :),

yes, and to be honest, Im really happy with that, as much as I miss tha kids playing around, doing this, doing that, I was so ready to have some extra time to do my own staff, specially having a date with my Lord!!!




Luz Areli (Kika)


getting ready to take off

ten of them (including 5 of my girls) go to school in the morning

(this one supposed to be on a diferent place, but dotn know how to do it, sorry)
But the cuties went also back to their Casa Cuna (childrens home), theys also left the first day of school, so it was really sad to see all of our kids leave, some of them just for school, but this little ones maybe forever, I miss them :(

Funny faces, oh they are sooo cute :)



all their backpacks ready to go

the whole bounch that goes to school in the afternoon

the middle school kids, Marisbella, Vanessa and Marco


Ana Maria, they go to high school

and the ten, ready to take off,

Adios Alex, I miss you,

Fernando, (2 yrs old)

There comes the DIF to pick them up

And there they go,
going where???
who knows, but this I know, they are not going back with their families, and that brakes my heart, this kids need somebody to love them and discipline them in the fear of the Lord.
"Can a woman forget her sucking child, that she should not have com ...passion on the son of her womb? yea, they may forget, yet will I not forget thee."
Isaiah 49:15
Bendiciones desde Morelia,

Backpacks And Uniforms :) / Mochilas Y Uniformes :)

lunes, 16 de agosto de 2010

"For this reason, since the day we heard about you, we have not stopped praying for you. We continually ask God to fill you with the knowledge of his will through all the wisdom and understanding that the Spirit gives."
Colossians 1:9


I know there is a lot of people praying for the church in Magdalena, or Ixtlan, but Morelia is the one for this week. But PLEASE, fall on your knees and PRAY, we need a couple or one or two :) brothers willing to come and serve here...

A few reasons why...

* The Lord started this work here, is His work, and He will, and already is working in peoples heart here

* There are 3 ladies (each one of them coming with at least 2 kids) attending church, Praise the Lord

* We need somebody (fulltime) here to reach out this people, someone willing to come and serve, extend Gods Word, but in Thruth, as he is the Thruth

* And of course there are MORE :)

Rogelio & Fernanda do an amazing job on sharing Gods Word, and I thank the Lord for them. They also treat me soo good, I love them, pray for them as they "lead" the church here. Rogelio shares every Sunday and Fernanda is having a Bible Study on Tuesdays and Fridays with the ladies, and when we have a lot of kids a have the Bible story with the little ones :)


God is good, always good,

Dios los bendiga from Morelia,

jueves, 12 de agosto de 2010

A Few More Happenings / Otras Cositas Que Han Pasado :)
Ayer mientras estaba en la cocina haciendo unas gelatinas o algo no recuerdo que, uno de los niños chiquitos empezo a llorar, pero LLORAR con ganas. Como Florence estaba con el, no le tome muca importancia de lo que habia pasado, pero de repente vi sangre, si, era Rafa con el dedo gordo de su pie sangrando y el "muriendose" de dolor :)

El pobre Rafa con su dedo sangrando,
Poor Mario, blidding and craying and MAKING A SHOW :)

Asi de grande estaba su herida
ouchh :(

Oh, esa carita triste, pero no se aguanta, woo, tiene una de energias!!!
Oh, look at that cutie face :)

Un curita es todo lo que se necesita :)
A bandage is all you need :)

Pasando al siguiente tema :)
In other news :)

el pobre perico de Sarita, uno de los niños estaba "jugando" con el y asi termino la pobre Guacamaya, (como ellos dirian)
this is what used to be Saritas perico, but poor thing, after one of the boys "played" to hard with him...

}lo mato :(
he killed it :(

si, este es Alex,

podrias adivinar porque esta sentado en la silla de los castigados???...
could you belive why he is sitting in the punishment chair???...

...porque el fue quien le dio la despedida al pobre perico, entonces se tu vo que sentar ahi por horas y horas y mas HORAS
... because he was the one who gave a sad good bye to the poor perico, so he had to sit for hours and hours and more hours there

pero solito se entretuvo muy bien,

making funny faces

haciando caras de chango, de quien sabe que tanto

pero no se aburrio :)

so he never got bored :)

I got bored, Florence got bored to wachted him,

but he surely knows how to keep himself busy and happy :)

el si sabia como estar feliz y entretenido todas esas horas :)

oh the cuteness in this little guy,
por seguro los voy a extrañar cuando se los lleven :)

martes, 10 de agosto de 2010

Boy will be Boys

Asi nacieron y asi seran

I'm posting twice today just because I coulden't resist to post this pics. And this is just a taste of the whole thing. It was today during lounch, enjoy them :)

Tenia que poner estas fotos, aunque ya habia blogueado una vez hoy, no podia resistir la tentacion de ponerlas, y solo es un probete de lo que pasa hoy en dias aqui en la casa. Asi mas o menos actuaron hoy en la comida, cada quien en su mundo :)

Fernando y Jair





woo casi se me olvida su nombre - Woo, i alomost forgot his name :),

Rafa, tomando su siesta :), en la comida


he is the ONLY one who knows how to behave

el unico que puede portarse bien

Saulo :)

Alex :)

Nop, ninguna niña, 0 niñas no se porque, pero siempre quise trabajar con niñOs y aqui estan, no es nada facil, pero es algo diferente y que de verdad he estado disfrutando estos dos dias.

Nop, no girls, and don't know why, but I always wanted to work with boys and here they are, it's not easy, not at ALL, but something diferent and I really been enjoying this days.

por seguro habra mas :)

more pics to come :)