lunes, 21 de mayo de 2012

7 Years Ago

So, 7 years ago today, I got my braces on :), yes, I remember going to the orthodontist and getting them on!

It was a Saturday morning when I went to this "special day" I was getting braces :), finally!!!, that was something that Dad always wanted for me :), how special!

Dad was laying donw in bed that Saturday morning, suffering with pain, we know his time on this earth was coming to the end :(. (but never thougth it will be that soon)

When I got back from my appointmet, he look at me, smiled and said to me "you look so diferent", (I knew he meant beautiful). How can I forget that day.

That night all his girls were aroung his bed, just chatting, making him feel love by each one of us, and just enjoying the moment, we never knew that that would be our last time together. We kissed him good night, and went off to bed.

Sunday May 22nd 2005, 5:00 am he went to meet his Lord and Savior. 

We always said that that was the day the Lord picked for Dad to meet HIM. Even when Dad was so sick and not feeling very good, it was his dessire to go to church every Sunday, what an example! 

"Dad, I miss you so much, SO MUCH, but I know you are on a better PLACE, a place call Heaven, where there is no sorrow, no pain, no tears, and I know it, and I belive it, but I still miss you so much. We as family been throgth so much, and every time, WE miss you, we miss you since tha day you left us here.  Mom miss you soooo much".

"And we know you are up in Heaven, rejoicing with us in every single thing we celebrate, every time we cry, in averytime, your still with us. We LOVE YOU so much :)"

Our last picture together as the "Gonzalez Family"
April 2000
(Rosario, Claudia, Carlos, Mom, Dad, Me & Maggie)


Feb 2009
(Claudia, Me, Maggie, Mom)
(Rudy, Rosario & Nathan Troxel)

Dec 2010
(Carlos & Rosy, Ale, Evelyn & Ashley Gonzalez)
(Rudy & Rosario, Nathan & Maryana Troxel)
Mom, Claudia, Me :) & Maggie


August 2011
Luis Carlos Gonzalez (Carlitos)


Feb 2012
Chad & Claudia Aeschliman

Dad only got to know Ale, my oldest nice :), He is been, or better said, we been missing him all this years when we been adding more and more people to the fam :).

Quit often the grandkids ask about their "Abuelito", and as always, is so HARD to tell them that He went to Heaven, that he is not longer here on Earth with us, but that one day, (and what a day it will be) we will meet him on this Perfect Place :).

It really is hard for me to get the idea that one day my housband, my kids, "mi other fam" wont meet the Amazing man of God. I had so many good memories of Dad, special time that we spent together, and as some people say "I was his favorite one", I dont belive that, we all were SPECIAL to him, but if something is thruth, is that we were really really close to each other!

Dad, I love you SO MUCH :)

"To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven"

"A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted"

Ecclesiastes 3:1-2


domingo, 4 de marzo de 2012


Today is Moms Bday!!!,

Last Sunday her and Maggie came to Morelia, so we celebrated her Bday since I couldnt make it this weeken to Ixtlan, lots of homework and a project :(. But last week, we had a great time together, I baked a pie for her, got someflowers and sang to her. Im so glad she is my Mom, she is so suportive and loving Mother, God has bless me so much with a Moher like her. Its kidda sad tha Dad is not with us to celebrate days like this, but, Dad, I know your watching over us today andevery day, we LOVE you and miss you!!!

People say we look like ALOT!,

Mom with her two leftovers :)

We LOVE you Mom!!!, even if most of us are not there to celebrate with you this day, you are in our prayers and hearts :)

Dios te bendiga!!!

Espero estar contigo el proximo año!!!

tu hija,

glorieta :)