jueves, 1 de julio de 2010

This Is The Guy

I Been Missing

So Much

The Past

Few Months :)

And even if this was the only time I could hold him while

he was in MX,

that's OK,

I Still

Love You Nathan!!! :)

4 comentarios:

  1. Yo lo vi este finde x la primera vez! Ya me conoce :)

  2. y apoco no esta bien cute? y habla tanto verdad? le debiste haber preguntado por su tia favorita, Yoyo :)

  3. Ha! who knew you had a blog?..We will keep up with you now!! =)
    Darling nephew..bet you do miss him..don't you hate the distance thing?...someday it won't be so! praying for you!

  4. Gloria,

    Nathan tambien te extrana, pretende que habla por telefono, el dice "I'm talking to Yoyo" bueno termina diciendo el nombre de todas Maggie, Claudia y Abuelia... Tambien nosotros te estranamos y a todas en Ixtlan.
